1. Pick Your Package: Daydream about your photoshoot and pick the perfect package for your needs!
2. Book a Shoot: Send me an email (rachelschoeny@gmail.com)
with your desired package and what days you're available to shoot.
3. Finalize Details: We'll finalize all the little details, like the time and location.
4. Shoot time! We'll meet at the decided location, take pictures, and have lots of fun!
5. Edit: I'll go through all the pictures from our shoot and pick out the very best ones. Once I edit them, I'll send you a link to your image gallery within 10 days of our shoot. Through the link you can download the final images and order any prints you'd like. Share this link will all your family and friends so they can see your new photos!
6. Post! After you've picked your favorites, it's time to post them! Tag me @rachelisabeths, and share your beauty with your friends and family!